Problem of the Week #26: May 5th, 2008 – May 9th , 2008
Grade 6
There are 12 eggs in a carton, and 8 cartons in a crate. Twenty crates of eggs were delivered to the SuperStore. How many eggs were in the shipment?
Grade 7
A cat had a litter of kittens. One quarter of the kittens are female. One third of the male kittens and one third of the female kittens are black. If there are four black kittens all together, how many kittens were in the litter?
Grade 8
A 60 passenger bus begins its run at the first stop by picking up half its capacity. At the next stop three people get off, but five people get on. At the next stop half the people get off but twelve more get on. At the next stop one quarter of the passengers get off the bus, but three people get on. What lowest term fraction expresses the load of the bus? ( number of passengers compared to capacity).
Grade 9
You are standing in line to see a movie. You notice that there are five more people ahead of you in the line than there are behind you. Four times as many people are in the line as the number who are behind you. How many people are ahead of you in the line?
Grade 10
Find two whole number factors of one billion that do not contain any zeros as a digit. In other words, what two whole numbers that contain no zeros can be multiplied to get a product of 1 000 000 000.
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