Problem of the week #25: April 21 – April 25, 2008
Grade 6
How many numbers between 20 and 40 have exactly four factors?
Grade 7
I used my calculator to divide two whole numbers. The answer on the calculator is 3.125 but I don’t remember what numbers I divided. Do remember that they were both less than they were both less than 50. Can you find what numbers I divided?
Grade 8
I used my calculator to divide two whole number and got a solution of 3.571428….
I don’t remember the numbers but I know they were both less than 30. What numbers did I divide?
Grade 9
I used my calculator to divide two whole numbers and got a solution of 1.846153…..
Both numbers were less than fifty. Can you find two division statements that solve the problem?
Grade 10
I used my calculator to divide two whole numbers less under 100 and found the answer to be 0.73997270274. Can you find what the numbers were?